If you have surgery scheduled, you will need to have some basic information. Knowing what to expect before and after surgery can help you feel less worried and with more control over the situation.

Once it is determined that you need surgery, you will need to know some important details:

  • Who will participate in the surgery? Your health care provider will explain who will be part of the medical team that will participate in the surgery.
  • Where and when will it take place? Outpatient surgery (also called high-dose surgery on the same day) is not always done in a hospital. It can be done in the office of a health care provider, in a hospital or in a clinic. The patient arrives for surgery and usually returns home the same day. Inpatient surgery is practiced in a hospital. The patient usually registers the day of surgery and remains hospitalized for a few days or longer after surgery.

  • What should you do before the surgery? You may need to have certain tests and tests done. Some types of surgery require a special preparation process. Here are some steps that will help you be prepared throughout the process:

  • DO NOT SMOKE for 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after surgery. Smoking reduces blood circulation, slows down healing and increases complications.

  • DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN or products containing aspirin for 2 weeks prior to or following your scheduled surgery. Aspirin affects your blood’s ability to clot and could increase your tendency to bleed during surgery or during the post-operative period.

  • DO NOT TAKE DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS for 2 weeks before and after surgery. These include vitamins, ginger, ginkgo biloba, garlic, ginseng and fish oils. They may increase your risk of bleeding and bruising during and following surgery.
  • DISCONTINUE ESTROGENS (birth control pills and replacement therapy) 3 weeks prior to surgery and for 2 weeks after surgery.

  • DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL for 5 days prior to surgery. Alcohol may increase your risk of complications such as bruising.
  • If you develop a cold, facial injury or other illness before surgery, please notify.

  • PLEASE SHOWER using only antibacterial soap. Males receiving abdominal or flank treatment may prefer to shave the treatment area; females receiving abdominal or thigh treatment may prefer to shave pubic areas below the hairline.

  • Achieve a GOOD NIGHT REST.

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight.

  • ARRIVE at the surgical center at the time specified by your doctor.

  • WEAR COMFORTABLE, DARK, LooSE-FITTING CLOTHING on day of surgery including a shirt that buttons all the way up the front Wear nothing that you must put on over your head. Slip-on shoes are recommended for maximum post-operative comfort. We suggest you safeguard your car seat and bedding with a protective cover as there will be some leakage of fluid following surgery.

  • LEAVE JEWERLY AND VALUABLES AT HOME, do not wear wigs, hairpins or hairpieces.

  • AVOID WEARING makeup, facial or body Moisturizers.

  • SURGERY TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY. You could be at the clinic longer than indicated.

  • HAVE SOMEONE drive you to your surgery and make sure a responsible adult is available to take you home and be with you for 24 hours.

  • HAVE A PILLOW and a blanket in the car for the trip to the house.

  • If you are receiving intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, you must fast no food or drink for at least 8 hours prior to surgery

Dr. Kemil Issa.
  1. Post surgery is a very important part of the surgery process. The doctor’s recommendations must be followed to the letter to avoid causing problems or complications. On the post-operative days, the patient should only think about resting and resting.

  2. Remember that you should first start consuming liquid foods and then slowly incorporate solid foods, although it is always advisable to avoid consuming foods high in fat, these days even more, you should have a balanced and healthy diet. Eat fruits, smoothies, tea, soups and mainly drink a lot of water from 4 to 6 liters per day. You should not eat seafood, fish, pork, or anything fried during the first month after surgery.

  3. The post-operative always needs medicationi, limit yourself only to consuming what the DR prescribes. KEMIL ISSA does not under any circumstances self-medicate, as this could only worsen the situation. Take medications on time and under the doctor’s instructions, you are responsible for taking your medications, do not allow anyone to give them to you. You should not take aspirin, or any other medicine that contains salicylates, because of the risk of bleeding. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call your surgeon and ask him.

  4. The bandage and girdle also need your care, you should not wet them or remove them and the doctor will teach you how to change them and when to do it. You should be very careful when bathing, as you will probably have a closed drain, Dr. Kemil Issa’s team will indicate when it is recommended to do so. He will wear a compression girdle that is recommended to be worn for the next 4 months, in most cases, during the day and night, we recommend from 11 days a second post girdle which is made of firmer material and will help to a better molding of the figure. This will be used first for 3 months day and night and then during the 4th month only during the day, after 4 months you should stop using the girdle.

  5. Remember that for a few weeks you will also not be able to sunbathe or tan. In addition you will also have to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, if you do it regularly.

Black stitches in the navel and breasts should be removed 3 weeks after surgery.


1. Mild to moderate pain that can appear in the immediate post-operative period, and will be relieved with pain relievers. If the pain is more intense, tell your doctor.
2. Small bleeding and / or sero-bloody discharge from the incision in the first 48 hours.
3. Small increase in temperature (up to 38º C) in the first 48 hours.
4. Edema or swelling in the abdomen and pubic region. This gradually decreases, disappearing around the third week.
5. Small areas of bruising (bruising), in the abdominal region, which will gradually disappear around the fourth week.
6. Massages will be started on the 2nd or 3rd day after surgery, we recommend that they be given strictly by our therapist, they will be given no more than one massage per day for 10 or 12 days, then they will be spaced at two or three massages per week during the first month, during the second month you could give yourself a massage every week, after 3 months it is not necessary to continue giving the massages.
7. The sensitivity of the abdomen will be decreased in the postoperative period, progressively normalizing, do not place anything hot on the abdomen, do not use warm cloths for massage, cavitation, or radiofrequency.
8. The wounds must be cleaned by the doctor or his assistants with antiseptic soap (Chlorexidine) and / or alcohol or when indicated by the doctor you or a family member will be able to heal the wound. They should always be covered with sterile gauze pads.